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  • Writer's pictureJP EMERSON

10 Tips for attention grabbing photos of your ride.

Updated: May 6, 2022

Tip # 1: Purchase or download a color wheel.

Using the color wheel, locate the closest primary color to your car. Directly across will be complementing colors in varying shades. These colors will give your car a much stronger presence in your photo when used as a background. Which color background contrast your car better?

Tip # 2: DE-CLUTTER!

We want to see your car, not the dumpster behind it. Pay attention to the background. Are there trees or mailboxes growing out of your car? It's a great car, but a cactus riding shotgun?

Tip # 3: Don't forget a tripod!

Raise tripod legs so your camera is at, or just above door level for more dramatic shots. Keep height the same and shoot from many angles and distances.

Tip # 4: When taking 3/4 photos, unless your wheels are straight, be sure the front wheel cover or rim is facing the camera, not the tread.

No radical turn here, a slight adjustment makes a big difference!

Tip # 5: It's a great shot, but something's missing...

Don't lose a keeper by cutting off part of your car.

Tip # 6: Ever wonder how to see through glass and avoid harsh glare like below?

Always use a polarizing filter to reduce harsh glare. Don't have one? Buy a pair of cheap polarized sunglasses and shoot through the lens!

Tip # 7: Cars with three wheels.

If you can't see them all, move a foot to either side.

Tip # 8: Know your subject!

Muscle cars were made for the street! Save the grass for the brass! You be the judge.

Tip # 9: Angles grab attention!

Shoot your car at a 5 degree angle and watch it jump off the frame. How do you measure 5 degrees? Angle your camera about the width of your pinky!

Tip # 10: When using a digital camera, always shoot in RAW format if so equipped.

This will allow you to produce higher quality images, as well as correct problem images that would be unrecoverable if shot in the JPEG format.

Copyright © 2020 JP Emerson All Rights Reserved.

1 commentaire

James Alan Groome
James Alan Groome
19 mars 2021

Also do not be stingy with the shutter button, take A LOT of photos especially if access to the vehicle is limited in that it is NOT YOURS! FWIW in art school we were required to submit 100 negs for EVERY finished photo submitted for a project... WHY, professor said to get us used to racking off frames. As he stated It's much easier to select the right shot if you have more frames from which to select ie changing angles slightly etc.

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